2 research outputs found

    Transcript, protein, and physiological parameters linked to phosphorus deficiency.

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    <p>Normalized transcript and protein abundance for significantly differentially regulated signatures and their associated physiological patterns, for polyphosphate metabolism (A), phosphate transport (B), alkaline phosphatase (C, D), phosphodiesterase (E), and sulfolipid synthesis (F) across P-replete (+P) and P-deficient (-P) conditions. Protein data are distinguished with a “p” next to the PID and by the hatched pattern. Polyphosphate abundances as measured by solid state <sup>31</sup>P NMR (A) and enzyme activities (C, E), were assayed and are reported below each graph. Cell-associated alkaline phosphatase activity (green color) was detected using an enzyme labeled fluorescence substrate. The green fluorescence indicating enzyme activity is present in -P cells (panels 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6) and not present in +P cells (panel 3) (D). Chlorophyll autofluorescence (red) in also visible. Panels 4, 5, and 6 are a Z series through a labeled –P cell. The SQDG:PC ratio is reported from Van Mooy et al. (2009) from replete and P-deficient <i>T. pseudonana</i> cultures <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0033768#pone.0033768-VanMooy1" target="_blank">[51]</a>, which were grown similarly to those in this study. SQDG: sulphoquinovosyldiacylglyerol; PG: phosphatidylglycerol.</p

    Comparison of transcript and protein signals.

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    <p>Comparison of proteome and transcriptome changes in response to P deficiency. Fold-change presented as the log<sub>2</sub> of the ratio of deficient∶replete conditions. Unity lines are shown in grey solid (fold-change = 1), while a linear regression (log<sub>2</sub>[proteins] = 0.49*log<sub>2</sub>[transcripts]-0.25) of proteins that are >2-fold in abundance in either treatment against their corresponding transcripts is shown in yellow (r<sup>2</sup> = 0.53). The dashed line is the 1∶1 line denoting equal fold change between the deficient and replete conditions for the transcriptome and the proteome. Proteins and transcripts of interest that correspond to P-metabolism, glycolysis and ribosomes/translation are highlighted.</p